Fundraising Ideas


Sir Hatch

If you were to meet Sir Hatch at a hotel bar or on an international flight you would encounter a highly skilled conversationalist with the adroit ability to crunch complex ideas into enjoyable digestifs. As your encounter deepens, you will see a lover of humans and machines, one who knows that the latter was created for the former, not the other way around. Sir Hatch uses long words at times, but only when there is no shorter one.

Sir Hatch

Moshe Hecht

As founder and CEO of Hatch, Moshe is Dedicated to advancing philanthropy through the use of technology. His articles on the future of giving have been published in Forbes, Guidestar, Nonprofit Pro, Nonprofit Quarterly, and eJewishPhilanthropy. Moshe is also an aspiring triathlete and marathoner and is often racing and raising funds from his friends and colleagues for his favorite charities. (You’ve been warned;))

Moshe Hecht

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