6-Figure Gift Raised with Hatch: Case Study [VIDEO]

Yad Ezra V’Shulamit is a humanitarian organization dedicated to combating hunger and poverty in Israel. Initially providing food baskets to 50 local families, it has expanded its reach to support tens of thousands across over 90 cities.

In 2023, Yad Ezra V’Shulamit took a bold step by joining Hatch during its beta stage, eager to revolutionize its approach to prospect research. What began as an effort to enhance donor engagement quickly turned into a game-changing partnership. Through their strategic use of Hatch’s tools, they unlocked an unprecedented opportunity: a remarkable $130,000 six-figure donation!

In our 2nd Hatch Case Study, we’re excited to share the 3-step process that Yad Ezra V’Shulamit took to secure this 6-figure gift, and how you can do the same!

Step 1: Finding the Right Tool for the Job

“Leveraging Hatch’s Dual Capabilities”

Yad Ezra V’Shulamit utilizes Hatch’s versatile platform to target both major donors and foundations. Grant writer Malkah relied heavily on OpenGiving – our foundation search portal within the Hatch platform – to identify potential foundation donors aligned with their mission of fighting poverty in Israel. Meanwhile, her colleagues maximized the platform’s tools for managing and analyzing major donor contacts, ensuring no opportunity was overlooked.

Step 2: Identifying Mission-Aligned Donors

“Uncovering Synergies Through Donor Insights”

Using OpenGiving, Malkah identified a list of foundations supporting causes similar to Yad Ezra’s. She then navigated through these foundations to identify even stronger synergies based on over a dozen years of giving history that Hatch provides. Through Hatch’s donor giving history insights, she discovered a specific foundation’s interest in a unique theme that directly aligned with a project her organization was running. This critical insight allowed her team to confidently approach the donor with a well-matched proposal.

Step 3: Securing a Transformative Gift

“Making the Perfect Match”

With tailored messaging and the donor’s contact information sourced via Hatch, Malkah and her team reached out to present their project; a capital campaign servicing this particular foundation’s exact cause and demographic. The alignment between the donor’s interests and Yad Ezra’s mission led to an enthusiastic response, culminating in a transformative donation of over $130,000. This success showcased Hatch’s ability to bridge organizations with donors who share their vision.


Through Hatch, Yad Ezra V’Shulamit not only identified a major foundation donor but also tailored their approach to secure a significant gift. Malkah highlights Hatch as a “critical tool for securing new gifts,” demonstrating its effectiveness in aligning donor interests with impactful nonprofit initiatives.

P.s. Before this article went to press, Yad Ezra had already secured a second gift from an additional donor via Hatch!

Listen to Malkah’s story in her own words:

If your organization would like to be featured in our next Case Study please email support@hatch.ai and put “Case Study” in the subject line. 


Sir Hatch

If you were to meet Sir Hatch at a hotel bar or on an international flight you would encounter a highly skilled conversationalist with the adroit ability to crunch complex ideas into enjoyable digestifs. As your encounter deepens, you will see a lover of humans and machines, one who knows that the latter was created for the former, not the other way around. Sir Hatch uses long words at times, but only when there is no shorter one. He may tech, but he will never technobabble. Sir Hatch is a regular guy with a spectacular vision, which of course is way better than a spectacular guy with a regular vision. After meeting Sir Hatch you feel yourself aspiring to fulfill that spectacular vision. Not because Sir Hatch sold you on it, but because you realized that you were sold from birth.

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