Top 59 Nonprofit Consultants to Help Your Organization Thrive Quickly

“No one’s going to care about this nonprofit as much as I do…”

“How do I find a consultant who’ll really get us?” 

We hear you. Finding a great nonprofit consultant is kinda like finding the perfect therapist―you HAVE to click.

And what works for another organization may not be the best choice for you.

“We’re different from other orgs…Can an outsider really understand our challenges?”

To make your search smoother and faster (because Hatch is all about making your life easier), we’ve rounded up 59 top-notch nonprofit consultants. 

They’re here to give your organization that extra push with fresh ideas, actionable strategies, and some much-needed motivation and goal tracking.

Ready to turn those roadblocks into wins? These pros are all fired up and ready to go!

Here are the top 59 nonprofit consultants to help your organization thrive quickly:

Adam Morgan
With a focus on strategic planning, it’s clear that Adam Morgan from MVP Advisors sets up his clients for the long run. Whether it’s helping them set actionable goals or making sure their decisions are grounded in data-driven insights, Adam’s approach is both collaborative and future focused.

Ali Carella
Ali’s got a deep commitment to equity and it shows. She knows that real change happens when community members and nonprofit leaders come together. That’s her superpower—connecting people and driving collaboration that amplifies impact. The result? Every project she touches doesn’t just get done; it levels up in a big way.

Aly Sterling
Aly doesn’t do excuses. Seriously—she wrote the book on it: “37: The Year I Stopped Making Excuses, Embraced My Power & Launched My Million-Dollar Business.” That kind of bold confidence and drive? Well, it might just be exactly what your nonprofit needs to solve your challenges.

Amia Grashin
When a project isn’t successful yet, do you have the ability to pinpoint what’s holding it back? Amia does. She’s a pro at spotting the practical solutions that’ll kick your projects into gear when they feel stuck. With her hands-on approach, Amia will help your organization effectively implement and sustain strategies, partnerships, and practices for the long haul.

Angela Schreffler
Angela can’t even imagine a world where she isn’t helping nonprofits thrive. If you’re looking for passion paired with smart, practical solutions, Angela is your one-stop shop. She has firsthand experience both working in a nonprofit and benefitting from the services they provide. You could say she’s the ultimate insider.

Belinda Lyons Newman
We’re a little obsessed with Belinda’s experience. Belinda crushed it in the nonprofit world as an executive director and still found time to serve on boards for education, healthcare, and other major charities. She’s seen it all and knows the real challenges nonprofits face—and trust us, she’s the one who’ll roll up her sleeves and tackle them head on.

Brenda B.
Asare Throughout Brenda’s consulting career she’s helped her clients raise over $2 billion. As the director of development with the American Red Cross in Chicago, she pulled in over $100 million for disaster relief. If you’re on the hunt for a consultant who will deliver serious results, Brenda’s the one to have in your corner.

Brian Gawor
Brian has got over 25 years of experience in donor engagement and knows how to turn data into serious fundraising magic. He’s worked with top nonprofits, created a popular fundraising podcast, and speaks at industry events—so you know he’s got the latest insights. Plus, he’s got the perfect mix of traditional expertise and innovative tools to help boost your organization’s impact fast.

Charlie Finlay
Operating on a shoe-string budget? No problem. Charlie and his team at Finlay consulting are experts at getting big results with small budgets. They know how to work with the resources your team can realistically handle, and they understand that no two nonprofits are alike. When you need to make every dollar count, Charlie’s got your back.

Chelsea Brown
Chelsea’s commitment to bringing more diversity to the nonprofit space is next-level. She saw the gap and didn’t wait for someone else to fix it—she took action. That’s the kind of person who doesn’t just talk about change. She makes it happen. If you want someone who knows how to get things done, Chelsea’s your go-to.

Cynthia Gibson
If you’re working in foundation circles, chances are Cynthia’s already been there. She’s consulted for some of the biggest names, bringing her expertise to the table every single time. And can we talk about her purple branding? It’s the cutest jbtw.

Dan Hazony
Ready to upgrade your data game? Dan’s the one to get you there. He’ll guide you through new ways of using and maximizing your data, helping you get crystal clear on your donors, track how successful your campaigns really are, and make smarter insights to drive your nonprofit forward.

Debra Hertz
“We Get It” is more than just a motto—it’s how Debra, the founder, runs the show. She understands the challenges your nonprofit faces, from balancing donor relationships to stretching every dollar. And she’s not afraid to have the “courageous conversations” that are neccessary to growth. Debra knows where you’re at, and she’s ready to help you get where you need to go.

Deneene Graham
Struggling with grant funding? Good news. Your worries are now over. We know the world of grants can be tricky, but Deneene simplifies the process, helping you find and secure the grants you need. Say hello to highly-effective grant proposals that bring home the funding.

Diana Hoyt
Three words: data driven strategies. Diana is right up there in Hatch’s wheelhouse with her focus on data analytics and donor information. Consulting with Diana means discovering data-backed strategies that work within your budget. What’s not to love?

Dr. Anna Douglas
If you’ve been letting Chat GPT do your homework…we’ve got some news. People are starting to notice. But if you don’t have the in-house resources to create copy that converts, you’d better get Anna on the phone ASAP. With a specialty in writing for academic and nonprofit leaders, you could call her your own personalized AI-one runing circles around GPT.

Elizabeth Saltonstall
Looking to find the root cause that’s holding your nonprofit back? Elizabeth gets to the source. After working with big-name universities like Harvard on their endowments, she launched her own consulting firm. Now she’s helping universities and nonprofits across the country (and in her hometown of Boston) achieve their most daring goals.

Heidi Wulczyn
Heidi’s mission? To marry your organization’s mission to its money! She’s raised millions through government grants, corporate fundraising, and major gift donors. The secret? It’s all about growing your relationships with key stakeholders and turning those connections into real results—whether it’s writing grants, developing targeted fundraising campaigns, or managing your next big event.

Helen B. Arnold
Sixty-two. That’s the number of nonprofit boards Helen’s been on. That’s more experience than most nonprofits have with their entire staff-combined! Tap into this wealth of knowledge by utilizing her expertise in building nonprofit strategies. She’ll keep you ahead of the pack with the latest insights in nonprofit tech (hey, that’s us!) combined with an unbeatable track record. Go on. Make the call. We know you want to.

J Paul Fridenmaker
J.Paul Fridenmaker is an experienced fundraising consultant and mentor with over 30 years in major gift development. Known for his transformational approach, he helps organizations connect donors’ passions with meaningful causes. J.Paul offers courses and personalized consulting to empower fundraising professionals, driving impactful giving and nurturing authentic relationships between donors and institutions.

Jacquelyn Ahrenberg
Carrying the weight of fundraising all on your own? Jacquelyn totally gets it. Having served as the sole fundraiser for many small nonprofits, she knows firsthand that when resources are tight, you need an all hands on deck approach. And she’s ready to bring it! No matter how limited your budget, nothing should stop you from taking action.

Jeremy Hatch
Ok, confsession. We like Jeremy for more than just his last name (though we think it’s pretty AWESOME!). What really gets us? His passion for performing arts and cultural nonprofits. Based in Indiana, Jeremy doesn’t just talk the talk—he’s on the boards of multiple organizations dedicated to arts and culture. This is a guy who walks the walk.

Jenn Ballentine
After Jenn’s years in health education for at-risk youth, she understands what it means to make an impact and how to share it with your donors and stakeholders to create real buy-in. That’s why she specializes in using data to fuel storytelling and measure the difference you’re making. Jenn knows how to turn numbers into narratives that inspire action.

Jennifer Anniskovich
Who’s telling your story? And what are they even saying??? Jennifer knows that the stories that others tell about you is either brand-making or brand-breaking. That’s why she helps nonprofits master the art of storytelling. With a range of experience—nonprofit lawyer, executive director, program supervisor, public sector leader, fundraiser, coach, board member, volunteer, and advocate—Jennifer’s got the know-how to ensure your story is told right.

Jessica DiVito & Megan Frenz
“Work Smarter, Not Harder.” Jessica and Megan live by this mantra and are ready to bring this mindset to your organization for a total workflow makeover. Forget doing things the same old way “just because.” Jessica and Megan are here to help you streamline your fundraising efforts and bring in more money—without all the extra hustle.

Jim Farnam
Need someone super solution oriented? Jim’s strong policy and analytical skills make him a powerhouse consultant for all kinds of nonprofits. Specializing in strategic planning, program development, grant writing, data systems, and project management, Jim helps you figure out EXACTLY what you need to achieve your goals.

Joanne Oppelt
Looking for the person who wrote the actual book on fundraising? It’s probably Joanne. With over 20 books written and thousands of fundraisers trained, you could say she’s a “bit” of an expert at knowing what it takes to make a nonprofit thrive. Her #1 goal? To help you achieve and succeed.

Jonathan Schick
Effective leaders can unify movements and spark community impact. That’s exactly why Jonathan is a sought-after leadership consultant. Having founded two successful nonprofits and consulted for hundreds more, Jonathan’s expertise is all about taking your leadership to the next level.

Joseph j. Barretto
Who’s calling the shots at your nonprofit? If it’s you, then you need to connect with Joseph. From his roles as Deputy Director at the New York City Anti-Violence Project to Executive Director at The DOME Project, Joseph delivers leadership tools and strategies to strengthen your organization from the inside out. Plus, his workshops are designed to help you reach peak fundraising success.

Josh Birkholtz
Ever wonder why some nonprofits succeed while others struggle? Josh has the answers. Snag his latest book, Benefactors: Why Some Fundraising Professionals Always Succeed, and learn some key factors to set you up to win. Josh isn’t just passionate about advancing the nonprofit world as a whole—he’s leading the charge.

Julie Edsforth
While Julie started in the high-tech world, don’t let that scare you off! She spent 11 years as an executive director of a nonprofit, so she knows the ropes. Now, she’s using her executive search expertise to help nonprofits find their perfect match. Julie understands that with the right team at your back, you’ll succeed in whatever goal you set your mind to.

Justin Pinn
Justin’s got the skills—project management, fundraising, you name it. But what really makes him special? His empathy and drive to build strong communities. It’s rare to find someone so focused on the people behind the mission. And we think that makes him absolutely stellar.

Kate Bathon Shufeldt
Kate gets it. Nonprofits are crucial for changing lives. That’s why she started consulting—to help nonprofits better deliver services to those in need. Whether it’s expanding your reach or navigating a tricky leadership transition, Kate’s got her eye on both the big picture and the micro details!

Katherine Ngaruiya
Check this out. Katherine worked at many North Carolina colleges on securing grant money and developing their sponsored programing. She then went on to become a professor at NC State University and Meredith College, teaching classes on nonprofit and public administration—literally paying her experience forward. Now, imagine what she could do for you!

Katie Appold
Katie is self described as “somewhat obsessed with efficiency ideas”…which should be on everyone’s bio. We’ll go on and wait while you change yours. If you ask her, she’ll tell you she’s also “unabashedly ambitious,” so you know she’s going to kick down some walls for you.

Kayla Erb
We could write a whole article just listing Kayla’s skills, but here’s the gist: as the Vice President of Development and Communications at GID Consulting, she’s got everything your nonprofit needs covered. From strategy to communications, Kayla’s expertise is your secret weapon for success.

Kimberly Melton
Trying to stay on top of fundraising trends? Kimberly’s got you covered. With her extensive background in major fundraising and crowdfunding campaigns, Kimberly is dedicated to keeping you ahead of the curve. Think traditional campaign management meets cutting-edge technologies, helping you save time and money.

Kristen Rocha Aldrich
Equity, access, and inclusion are the three defining pillars of Kristen’s consulting philosophy. For Kristen, the key to building successful nonprofit programs is including the very community these programs serve in the decision-making process. Her mantra? “Nothing about them without them.”

Leo Latz
Leo brings an academic approach to fundraising. You might expect that from someone with three degrees, who’s taught graduate and undergraduate courses in organizational analysis, managerial communications, and nonprofit leadership. Leo is also deeply committed to his volunteer work and is always on the lookout for missions that matter.

Laura Alexander
Since 1990, Laura has worn just about every hat in the nonprofit world. She’s seen every angle and knows eactly what it takes to help you excel. Her magic touch? Active listening and zeroing in on every detail. She’ll get to the heart of what you really need and guide you in implementing real change.

Laura Ewing-Mahoney
Laura’s passion? Assessing organizational landscapes and driving transformational change. During her time with the National Alzheimer’s Association, Laura didn’t just build a wildly successful planned giving program―she boosted revenue by 75%. Yeah, she’s just that good.

Lauren Epstein
Soooo speaking of boosting revenue, Lauren may know a thing or two about that. She’s spearheaded programs that drove insane increases in funding. Ok, we could stop there. Like what bigger proof of success, right? But there’s more. Lauren also provides a holistic approach, helping nonprofits discover diversified revenue streams and adopt new tech that keep things moving forward.

Lauren Frary
Lauren’s a New Jersey girl, just like Hatch! With 30+ years of experience working with nonprofits across the Garden State, she’s committed to making her home turf better for all communities. So if you’re a fellow NJ local looking to level up your nonprofit, Lauren’s got your back.

Lizz Dunn
With over 20 years of experience, Liz helps nonprofits and individuals bring their philanthropic visions to life. From building Development teams to securing $115 million in philanthropic revenue, She’s partnered with CEOs and Boards on transformative initiatives. Passionate about solving society’s greatest challenges, She is dedicated to empowering communities through strategic fundraising and innovative solutions.

Madeleine St. John
We don’t have to tell you donor impact is kinda a big deal for nonprofits. Ok, fiiiine, we just did. But Madeleine? She’s the one who’ll actually help you make it happen. She’s all about turning donor engagement into something transformational—not transactional. No matter what your funnel looks like, she’s got you covered from start to finish.

Manny Lucero
Just starting out? No problem! Manny wants your nonprofit to launch, grow, and thrive. And the early days are critical! Lucero Consulting specializes in getting nonprofits off the ground, providing the essential framework that sets you up for longterm success.

Mary McGranahan Moss
With an extensive background in fundraising and development at the University level, Mary now shares her expertise with a wide range of clients. Passionate about creativity and growth, Mary thrives on helping nonprofits with campaign management, strategic planning, executive search and coaching, as well as board and volunteer training. Plus, she’s deeply involved in her community as a volunteer.

Matt Wasserman
Matt Wasserman, co-founder of Make Philanthropy Work, has over 25 years of fundraising experience. As former Vice Chancellor of Development for CU Denver, he led a 300% revenue growth in three years and raised $84 million. An MBA graduate from the University of Colorado Denver, Matt is a respected presenter and lives in Timnath, Colorado, with his family.

Mike Esposito
Ever wonder what the future of nonprofit leadership looks like? Well, we can tell you it looks pretty amazing. That’s thanks to Mike. Number one on his agenda? Creating top-notch educational programs and networking opportunities for tomorrow’s leaders. As Co-Chair of the Emerging Leaders Committee with AFP NY, he’s got his finger on the pulse of what’s next in the nonprofit world.

Paul Hamann
A professional with extensive experience in nonprofit management and philanthropy. As a strategic thinker and leader, Paul has a deep understanding of fundraising, donor relations, and data management. His role often involves identifying key opportunities for donor engagement and leveraging data-driven insights to support the missions of various organizations. Paul’s expertise lies in building effective strategies that enhance fundraising efforts and foster lasting relationships within the nonprofit sector.

Regina Alhassan
A powerhouse in nonprofit prospect research. As the founder of ResearchPRO, she has spent over 20 years helping nonprofits find the right donors and maximize their impact. Her deep understanding of fundraising strategy and ability to connect the dots between data and meaningful relationships makes her an invaluable partner for any nonprofit looking to grow. Regina is all about connecting donors with causes they care about, making a real difference in the world.

Roxanna Ayers
Roxanna is a seasoned fundraising expert and nonprofit advocate, with over $150 million raised for critical causes. With a passion fueled by personal experiences and a background in law and philanthropy, she empowers organizations to achieve their missions. Based in Coral Gables, Florida, Roxanna partners with nonprofits to create lasting impact through strategic fundraising and advocacy.

Sami Zoss
Sami Zoss is a dedicated nonprofit consultant helping organizations grow strategically through expert donor engagement and fundraising strategies. With a focus on tailored approaches and long-term sustainability, Sami ensures nonprofits achieve lasting success. Her passion for driving impactful change makes her a valued partner in the sector.

Sandi Frost Steensma
Does the idea of leaving your comfort zone make you wanna do box breathing? Well, Sandi is here to show you how. Leave your comfort zone, that is, not the breathing. But she’ll hold your proverbial hand at every step, showing you exactly what you need to achieve dynamic donor results. Sandi loves change. This keeps her campaigns fresh and relevant in our fast-paced landscape.

Shanna Hocking
Shanna A. Hocking is the founder and CEO of Hocking Leadership, specializing in developing leaders, enhancing workplace culture, and advancing fundraising for universities and nonprofits. With over 20 years of experience, Shanna has led teams at institutions like the Wharton School and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She is also the author of One Bold Move a Day and a LinkedIn Top Voice.

Shannon Biss
Looking for a consultant who’s as passionate about your mission as you are, without needing a ton of hand-holding? Shannon is the one you want to call. She seamlessly steps into the role of a trusted second-in-command, bringing both deep expertise and unwavering devotion to your cause. With Shannon, you get a partner who’s all in from the start—no extra hours of training required.

Susan Kramer
Susan’s FUNdraising strategies blend heART and science, merging smart tactics with genuine connection. With Susan, you’ll experience a dynamic approach that integrates modern techniques with good old fashioned personal touch―crafting a powerful and engaging fundraising experience.

Wendy Dyer
Does your organization sizzle? If not, Wendy’s here to fire things up. With over two decades of experience building schools, health centers, cultural spaces, and creating real opportunities for thousands, Wendy knows how to find that secret spice that’ll give your nonprofit the kick it needs. If you’re ready to turn up the heat and get your nonprofit noticed, Wendy’s the one to call.

Zack Travers
Wow, you hit #50! Gotta admit, we’re impressed. So, if you haven’t been wowed by now, maybe it’s time to give Zack’s a go. His edge? A strong ability to adapt to any kind of nonprofit. Zack thrives on variety, and his broad experience means you’ll get high-level insights from every nook and cranny of the fundraising universe.

Bonus (We saved a great one for last!):
Donorly — Led by Sandra David, with a special shout-out to Weston Ganz
Donorly, led by Sandra David, is a powerhouse team helping nonprofits achieve strategic growth. Their expertise spans data-driven donor engagement, comprehensive fundraising strategies, and prospect research. Special recognition goes to Weston Ganz, their head prospect researcher, who digs deep to provide nonprofits with actionable insights that lead to stronger donor relationships and sustained growth. Together, Donorly’s team is committed to empowering organizations to meet and exceed their fundraising goals.


Sir Hatch

If you were to meet Sir Hatch at a hotel bar or on an international flight you would encounter a highly skilled conversationalist with the adroit ability to crunch complex ideas into enjoyable digestifs. As your encounter deepens, you will see a lover of humans and machines, one who knows that the latter was created for the former, not the other way around. Sir Hatch uses long words at times, but only when there is no shorter one. He may tech, but he will never technobabble. Sir Hatch is a regular guy with a spectacular vision, which of course is way better than a spectacular guy with a regular vision. After meeting Sir Hatch you feel yourself aspiring to fulfill that spectacular vision. Not because Sir Hatch sold you on it, but because you realized that you were sold from birth.

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