New Features! [V.2.4. Release Notes]

We’re thrilled to announce a series of enhancements to the Hatch platform, tailored to enrich your non-profit fundraising and communication experience.

Let’s dive into what’s new…

Your Organization Donations History
Have you ever wanted to compare your donors’ contributions to your organization with their donations to other entities? Now you can! Simply upload your donor’s donation history, and a new table will appear on their profile page, providing a comprehensive overview of their contributions to your organization over time. By comparing their giving to your organization with their giving to others, you can now truly optimize their giving potential.

Improved Public Donations + Donations Confirmation Feature
You now have the ability to edit and confirm public donations. We’ve also enriched the donations information by adding multiple new data points, including donor name variations, donor address, and recipient address. These additional layers of data will help in more accurately identifying donations, enabling a more efficient confirmation process.

Confirmed Donations in 5Alive
Confirming public donations can take anywhere from a minute to an hour per profile. So to give you a head start, we’re excited to announce that one of the weekly 5Alive profiles will now also include manually confirmed public donations! (Stay tuned for more information on how we’re going to assist you with confirming all public donations.)

Download lists
Lists have become an integral part of Hatch, helping you segment and organize your donors for more strategic outreach. Responding to your feedback, we are now allowing you to download your lists in CSV format, providing you with a simple, efficient way to transfer targeted lists to your email marketing platforms.

Celebrations and Holidays
Now you can keep track of all public holidays and celebrations with our new feature on the Hatch Live page. This will help you stay ahead of potential cultivation and fundraising opportunities around these significant events.

Re-Enrichment Request
If you’re ever dissatisfied with the information in one or more enriched profiles, we’re introducing a feature to request a re-enrichment. By providing additional data points, we can further refine the profile information to increase the chances of finding the correct match.


Sir Hatch

If you were to meet Sir Hatch at a hotel bar or on an international flight you would encounter a highly skilled conversationalist with the adroit ability to crunch complex ideas into enjoyable digestifs. As your encounter deepens, you will see a lover of humans and machines, one who knows that the latter was created for the former, not the other way around. Sir Hatch uses long words at times, but only when there is no shorter one. He may tech, but he will never technobabble. Sir Hatch is a regular guy with a spectacular vision, which of course is way better than a spectacular guy with a regular vision. After meeting Sir Hatch you feel yourself aspiring to fulfill that spectacular vision. Not because Sir Hatch sold you on it, but because you realized that you were sold from birth.

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