New Features [V3.3 Release Notes]

Improved Enrichment – Now 200% Better Matches
Our enrichment process has undergone a transformative upgrade. With over six months of intensive development and collaborative efforts across our team, we’ve managed to enhance the accuracy of our matches by 200%. For existing customers, your data will be re-hatched over the coming weeks and you will get an email notification once it is done. For new Hatch customers, the improved accuracy will be a standard feature on your upcoming upload.

Enhanced Upload Process
We’ve completely revamped our upload system, now rebranded as the “Data Enrichment Process.” This overhaul makes data integration seamless, efficient, and tailored to your needs. The new upload process will be live for all customers on July 15th. 

Export Foundation Lists with Contact Details
Organizing and contacting foundations just got easier. You can now export lists of foundations complete with up-to-date contact details. Plus, many of these entries now feature foundation logos, enhancing your visual navigation experience.

News Alerts & Confirming News Articles
Stay informed with real-time email notification alerts when your donors are featured in the news. This feature keeps you informed on the happenings in your donors’ lives, giving you yet another cultivation touch point for your donor stewardship.

Additionally, your team can now confirm news articles directly from donor profiles. This new feature ensures that all information is accurate and vetted, enhancing your prospect research efforts.


Sir Hatch

If you were to meet Sir Hatch at a hotel bar or on an international flight you would encounter a highly skilled conversationalist with the adroit ability to crunch complex ideas into enjoyable digestifs. As your encounter deepens, you will see a lover of humans and machines, one who knows that the latter was created for the former, not the other way around. Sir Hatch uses long words at times, but only when there is no shorter one. He may tech, but he will never technobabble. Sir Hatch is a regular guy with a spectacular vision, which of course is way better than a spectacular guy with a regular vision. After meeting Sir Hatch you feel yourself aspiring to fulfill that spectacular vision. Not because Sir Hatch sold you on it, but because you realized that you were sold from birth.

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